Feral wolfs meat incidents

Friday, March 18


So I was playing Fallout the other day during lunch time (big mistake and i wont ever make that mistake again) and anyway I was inside some cavve or something and it reminded me of a few things here I know I sometimes talk about zombies rising up and whatnot but we all know thats probably not going to happen (I'm a sceitnists too, and a true scientsit doesn't deal in absolutes!) but I'm also a business man and so anyway this gave me a very good money making idea.

Now, I've been called a great many things thanks to wheels untimely death. Well let me tell you ladies and gents, I did not kill that woman. She understood the risks, and I pray that her family knew the risks as well because if you don't understand the risks well you need to check your facts I'm sorry. So that said this is also a very risky endeavor however it may be illegal but only in the letter of the law, not the spirit of the laws.

So everyone says I killed Wheels by telling her zombies were coming for her eternal soul and were gonna take her hubcaps and other sundry possessions from her. Well I'm not going to debate that we all form our own opinions and youre entitled to your opionons that are so wrong i find it impressive but its your oponion none the less but i digres. Anyway I am going to tell the nameless here that there IS an imminent zombie attack and that I need the funds to stop the ghouls from destroying this place.

I think that if I make it convincing I will be rolling in the money but even better when family comes I can tell the nameless that they are ghouls in disguise and so the elderly will come to trust me and loathe their families.

(I imagine the nameless will see their family members in a fashion strikingly similar to this ghoul)

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