Feral wolfs meat incidents

Friday, March 18


've been having dreams. Scary dreams, apocalyptic dreams. In these dreams I see the end. Every day, Frisbee warns of the coming darkness. He tells me to prepare, and make peace with the ones I love. Well I would do that Frisbee if MY BOSS didn't make me do this dumb crap for the nameless. So the nameless have been whining about meat lately, nameley how they don't get enough of it I ask them what are you, animals? Feral wolves who thirst for blood and flesh and all you want to do is howl at the full harvest moon? But Frisbee cries and moans and I wonder how can I trust the prophecies of this man when he cries like a child at the mention of wolves.

I asked him once hey frisbee what did the wolves do to you did they kill your mother and raise you as their own HA! And he stared, but not quite at me but through me, for miles and he sat there with this thousand mile stare on his face for several hours. Whatever demons he had to fight because of my statements I do not know but I am not sorry for we all have our demons. Mines MY BOSS and the stupid meat party it (my boss, it makes me feel better when I refer to my boss as it instead of an actual human being) wants me to throw.

my boss wants me to throw a party because the nameless are dis satisfied with their meat rations as I have already told you. Well I figured lets give em what they really want and wanted to incorporate them into the biggest party of the century the meat party and everyone is invited!!!!

Well I did invite everyone and boy that was a mistake because there are a lot of people of ill repute who would love nothing more than to take all of your meat for free well sorry folks but this isnt charity and youre paying for this meat one way or another. do they think meat is cheap or that keeping it ice cold is cheap because it's not and its not like im rolling in money.

And its for that very reason this meat wasnt ice cold and in fact we got quite a few people sick because of it or should i say a few people got sick because of their own failings. look folks this is a party and partys arent any fun without some risk and just being here is a risk because these people might steal your very youth from your bones so im sorry but youre gonna have to deal with the consequences this time because you danced with the meat and the meat won this happens all of the time just get up and try again as i always have.

So everyone is having a GREAT time; most people arent even sick until a few days later so everyones just eatin their meat and DJ AM (god rest your soul sorry about the meat) is playin all their favorite music. Well he starts to play Ride of the Valkyries on accident and one of our younger gentlemen starts screaming about hanoi hannah and how he gots his medals and she was wrong? or something and hits the floor and my god just stop nam is over i dont care how young you were just eat your meat guy.

So that man was sedated I do not know his name I dont care to know it for I have no respect for someone who would try to ruin my parties like that.

So anyways the party was a hit and everyone was so happy and I made a pretty penny on the side because I was given a lot of money to make this happen and I did it for a very low price for I am a shrewd business man well anyway the police came and asked us if this meat was legal meat? I said oh mr lawman comes and tries to make meat illegal too why didnt you just tax it so only the rich could eat meat oh you already have and started waving my hands around in the air yelling CAPITALISM IN ACTION FOLKS!

And the one officer thretaened to taze me so I calmed down a bit and listened to his wild claims. I told him my meat was perfectly leagal meat and he could try some himself but he said no because of the flies well I said all of the people here didnt seem to care about the flies because they ate it like a pack of ferals. Feral what he said? Are there feral animals on these premises he asked too.

There might be feral wolves I said jokingly but his sense of humour was a little bit off because he did NOT laugh at that. "Son where did you aquire this meat from?"

From the meat man was my obvious answer and it was true. Who is the meat man he asked? And I tolkd him the terrible truth.

So as part of my parole I need to put this stuff online so people can make an informed decision as to whether to come to my future meat parties (there wont be any since the police need to be there as well as representatives of the FDA).

Well the meat was cheap poor quality nearly rotten meat and the meat was also wolfs meat.

To frisbess family memebers I dont think he will ever be the same I am so sorry.

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