Feral wolfs meat incidents

Monday, August 15

PAIN IS WEAKNESS WEAKENING THE BODY, OR: PIIWANSWAEIGGHBD, OR: Pain is Weakness Weakening the Body if you remove every other letter and also don't consider spacing thank you.

Have you ever been hurt? Probably, if you're a clown. If you were involved in the race wars maybe, or the clown wars, or the now- legendary "Twelve Hours Homeless War" in which literally 98% of all homeless were killed or driven out by the frigid cold and the other 2% erupted into merciless war (2% doesn't seem like all that much but 2% of a city of 1,000,000 is 2,000 and every single one of these people died in the period of 12 hours. That is 162 fatal wounds per hour, or 2.7 fatalities per minute. That terrible night, 0.045 brave homeless souls died per second. The dps I can't even imagine how much dps that amounts to. So I took it upon myself to figure it out. Oh, One million homeless people sounds a little excessive to you? I dont know where you're from, probably Decadence Lane USA, but here we do things a bit differently. We have a lavish homeless city here made of cardboard boxes and sheet metal and there was a time, during the Great Metal heist, that these sheet metal dwellings were the envy of every man woman and kibble-less child, including they who somehow cling to life here in this facility, mocking god and nature with every living day. But the nameless werent the only ones who went wanting during these dark times, for the homeless, the nameless' prodigal siblings, were covetous of the food the nameless so gluttonously threw from the windows to the wolves. And so, after the great wolf massacre, followed by the "Rights 4 Wolfs" Riot, and finally the, "Take away the wolfs rights as they are using them in a fashion we had not previously considered and now they are taking out taxes from us and our homes please send aid" riot, things had at last come to a boiling point.

The homeless took to the streets demanding food and sustenence, whilst the nameless demanded the excessive sheet metal mansions to be brought into the facility, dismantled, and crafted into Dreadnaught BattlePlate (which was to be used later- to the horror of the entire world aside from, perhaps, North Korea- in the Age of Sundering and all the bloody battles that entailed, resulting in the ultimate enslavement of the proud 'HOBO LOBO' clan, or, "HOBO WOLVES" as it translates into our language. This would additionaly result in Hobo Wolf Shamans summoning the shadow spirits, as I have described them in previous posts, in order to break their bondage.) This, in turn, set the stage for the (involuntary) hunger strike that, in combination with the freezing cold, destroyed much of the homeless.

This man is not pleased with his prospects

Last of the Hobo Lobo

Considering these factors, I have come to assert several values to these people in order to discern the DPS required to kill 0.045 Homeless People per second over the course of 12 hours. I have created a 1-100 scale, 1 being the lowest (weakest) and 100 being the highest (strongest). Perhaps a 1 on the Kender-Cordell Nostrand Scale, would be a weakened homeless child starving of kibble famine, whilst a 100 would be a homeless man come across a pile of steroids and automatic weapons. For each subject I tested 100 different Vitality factors. I took the average of these results, to find the rough average vitality of homeless individuals (83, these are a surprisingly robust peoples..

Finally, I found four homeless individuals. Each was chosen for it's position on the Kender-Cordell Nostrand Scale: One level 1, Two Level 83, and One level 100. I then placed 2 homeless in 2 different rooms: In room A the level 1 and level 83. In room B the level 100 and the additional level 83.  I had given the level 1 subject a blunt rusted cheap sword, and the level 100 received nothing but was permitted to use his fists. (NOTE: LEVEL 100 KILLED 3 POLICE OFFICERS DURING THE ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE AUTOMATIC WEAPONS FROM HIS STEROID RIDDEN HANDS)

I then told these individuals nothing, and I locked the doors and walked away, as "Quickness of Wit" was one of the 100 factors I had tested.

Of the 4 subjects, 3 (level 1, level 100, and a single level 83) died. The level 83 in subject level 1's room was slightly confused as upon opening the door I assumed he had murdered the child and broke every bone in its body, but he said that the child raised the sword murderously but due to kibble-famine his arms broke and the sword collapsed upon him, crushing his tiny frame. Investigation pending.

Unfortunately, tests were inconclusive most likely due to the fact that I took no recordings or notes during this time and thus, to my best estimation, it (on average) takes 1,844 damage per second to kill a homeless person of vitality index 83 in 0.045 seconds.

Now I would prefer that the world knows that I had not intended any harm to come from this information. Due to corporate espionage, someone stole my findings. Mere hours later, I found wheels- Wheels!- spinning around in circles on the grounds, with meat and kibbles tied to her chair- to attract the homeless. And razors- to slay them. And a speedometer that read, "1844." And a pile of dead homeless bodies all around, as well as sheet metals.

And later, after that horrible day just one week exactly before the cold hunger wars, wheels became something else. As all the nameless slept, the endless pounding of hammer upon unholy anvil emanating from wheels' room..... stopped. And the lights in the facility flickered, and I lost several documents in the coming black out. All was silent and dark. And then the grounds shook, and it thundered, and the door opened and wheels'- battle wheels, clad in Dreadnaught BattlePlate- came, and the thunder came with her.

And all the wolves, now, are dead.

 Final known black and white picture of Wheels before the day of reckoning

Possibly a wolf. Maybe there's hope for you wolfs yet. Nature always find a way.

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