Feral wolfs meat incidents

Saturday, December 12


Dear IRS, how dare you send these men here. Were you not aware that star wars is monts away or have you not heard of the george lucas film, and the jedi knights, the masters of our solar system, various spooky beasts, dark vadar, chewie, aliens, and luke silo

As acting staff accountant and caretaker of these sick and elderly folks and rep-payee for all I demand to know in writing why last week three state auditores came uninvited upon these premises during my star wars party here is a list of my demands. here is a list of their crimes1they were extremely rude to me #2 audids demand I relinsquish all financial files #3 copies taken from my office by audids includeing27 cashed cheques and cheque bounces, forged cheques(only had 2), chequre printouts and expense reports, bank reaports, etc

#4 questioned like a witch burned in a fiery trial … sir why have you shredded over half of your staff’s W-2 forms and why have you given the rest to the elderly residents to hold? Why are they entrusted with staff pay records and social security numbers? Are you employing these residents sir? I have documented these threats and others and shall be notifying the humans rights

#5) lastly they demand -- and I literally do not know what this means: taxes. Yes, taxas. I am a licended medical profesional and have never heard the term ‘tax’ in my life, does it mean terminate wax or what, we have plenty of termites if you would like to see them. They did not want to see the termites. in fact they left after I asked them to and they have no returned since. i think they went across the screet to audit the children with their lemonade stand (tastes like dishwasher liquid) though it Is a crim to audit children, or wernt you aware?

most agrevious of all , and by all means see for yourself the attached copy of the cheque in question -- major concerns over one cheque signed by me totaling $475.00 US Dollars Payable to the EBAY account of one T.CHICKENJONES@YAHOO.COMFor an opening day theater ticket to StarWar Episod VII, The Phantam Pain, appropriated from our federal grant funding and the state work incentive program funds, as well as an additional $250 cleared check for “Edible Bread Money Start Up Fund” … 

This is#1 delving into my personal life and affairs and #2 I am a victim of identify theft #3 I CAN, AND HAVE, PRINTED OUT MY OWN DOLLARS FROM MY INKJET PRINTOR SO WHY WOULD I EVEN DO THIS

Signed ~ Nostrand,
Staff Accountant and Home Overlord, Caretaker of the sick and elderly, chamion of the nameless, The Unburnt, appointed Nostrandre Solaire, ~esq

p.s. here is the party you have ruined:
Proof of star war party attachments (1) through (36):
proof of fun party and happy pupp
star food
and cospayers doing a good job


Bambo warriors – little tricky pandas or maybe not? Bears wielding bambo weapons 
they eat the bambi too and live on the forest moons of andoor (sp) (not sure if earths moon or one of the outer galaxies) fun
Quiz: wjhat kind of bamboo pet would be your favorite? (I would want dog type)

kinds of space food are featured here

                                                   space rocks are okay to eat if tested

 Lots of space battles on plutis, mars, saturn, all your favorite planets

muppets you just cant get enough of them

The Chuba Lord – very scary slug beast. Eats all day. also the fattest villein

Light swords. A jedi knight’s best weapon. luke silo slashed a yeti with one and I was so impressed. weakness to power arrows.

Look at the new light sword lol it is really great

Star war episode V Quiz:
-what does the V stand for? hard to say
-who are dark vadar’s father?
-Name 3 different kinds of muppet pals

!!!! More leaked tubnails of episode V !!!!

Great party. Look at these old friends having fun, wow who would audit such a great and ufn time

Dark vadar plushies are not fine no dark vadar can’t be soft; he is the darkest lord

Leonard Hobbs released on bond welcome back!! Excellent

yodi is not a leprechaun. I get really mad when people say he is one.

I do not know who this man is. or who allowed him to the party. he is not allowed here anymore. notify secvurity if seen

burps did a terrible job. Try again

We must all help cover the cost of these expensive backdrops they do not pay for themselves. As well as the graphic designer who charged an outrageous rate

wow really good --- look at those starwars lightssworss contraption. really great star work

Grisbee how you have grown, my friend..keep it up Jedi Master

can't remember

This is Mimi, owner of Mimi's cafe across the street. I have such a huge crush on this beautiful, woman. The girl not the muppet*

Babby Fett Burps– babby fett helmet still missing :( You better find it Burps it will cost you a weeks pay

Wheels #1 winner again! Wheels dressed up as the death star – absolute #1 best

see you in court

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