Gonna call my sign-off notification Unreadable Tombstone. Like unreadable tombstone out lol. Like a movie lol. WELL ITS TIME TO PUT AN END TO THE DEAD WALKING I keep finding ghouls running around the homes wearing pink and bright green sashes, I see bad habits, I see consumption of flesh, I dream in an office with incense, I will escape to the Frisbee basement tonight
Now. First way gathering supplies, and I was armed about head to foot with guns of various scenes movie scene from the matrix. I was pretty badass and was talking a lot about crows and junk, and I had on black chains and a crown made of boot work.
Someone had giver Wheels a headset and she been racing around listen to god knows what basement rock is on there. She said, “Yams called from Amsterdam. He says he’s coming back. He says you killed his son.
I was all types of nervous, DJ A.M. had been Yams’. Had a pup and knows I did him in with the meat. And I knew I had two choices: stay here, face the wrath of a Vietnam veteran who stuck Charlie with sharpened bed spikes while they slept, I took a deep breath and knew my other option, to sink down to Frisoprea (because it was rumored he had built a city in the goddamn basement) where I would wander among the Dark Coated People, with the spider dogs with the green paint filled mouths and spoke through various squelches of their coagulate spittle.
It was the fact that Grisbee offered to accompany me so I did get me a tad emotional, I darn neared killed the boy several times over but he keeps coming back. I tell that lad to tend to the hungry, the sick, because I had become too weary to do good to them.
I tell you I had words with my boss – we discussed the future of the grounds, the homeless services, Grounds keeper del ray who talks with the watch keeper late in the gardens, and the Mitch Hoys as I call them, sleeping like slugs in the corner of god knows what floor. Shit that needed dealt with.
This place will miss me. I flee a murderer, I return a champion. The Nameless Prince, Nostrander, Inheritor.
I don’t know what entity will take up these writings. Well if it’s me, I’ll be a happy man, ere these notes of the graveyard placed and penned with an ending.