so I was reading about black sniper ops xcore some scret stuff very professional there saw a bunch of vids on utube gguys running through some city and sneaks into this building right like all covert like okay hes now in the main room the lobby i guess and no one is around he thinks this is strange so he throws a flashbang and anyway the flashbang jacks up the camera real bad and you cant see anything but you can hear his 50 cal being dischaqrged, dogs barking children screaming exploding vid ends w someone simply saying "Oh."
oh i forgot to mention that there was a janitor near the end who screamed THIS IS A BANK THIS IS A SUNDAY, leading to the black sniper op xcore marine say "Oh."
BSOX (Black sniper ops Xcore) vindeo sekqual would be BSOX whenis honorably discharged from the marines because of his drinking problem very serious stuff so he goes to Great Britain to join the royl goard but first got ta must contend with his past so he also secretly goes around the country Bsox style, blowin up bars and liquor factories over their taking out the root of the problem, but at heart he'wass a good man he goes through all the training for the royal guard and really buffs up because of all that marine + royal guard training so all the girls want to dathim because what else do they have only a bunch of british guys going 'TALLY HO' who wants to deal with that? No one BSOX all he really wants is a cure to his disease and that cure is hist trusty 50 cal
and flashbags
It's also really cool that the janitor from BSOX 1 is following him and the janitor also has a drinking problem but to a much lesser degree than BSOX but still it's there sometimes we can all relate to our enemies at least in relative terms

well of course this is ver realy and serious just utub bsox itll be there he has many vidos i have seen the futore bsox is running through the cities again, running through britain and scotland and political chrina all of the homes and places he used to live and lay his head and then he comes at last to the bank and has horrible flashbacks and he whispers WHERE ARE YOU JANITOR WHERE ARE YOU but all things end and all janitors die with no regard for the world they leave behind them and so it was that valdez the janitor left the world confused and full of hatred this is my final mission he runs into the bank but now its full of people and the people look and bsox looks back and silence oh the silence and then the flash and the bang and in the morning the bank was still standing, alone for it was the lastbuilding on planet earth bsox had just saved the buildings from extinction at the hands of humans but such freedom carries a heavy price and so every person in that bank died. AND SO IT WAS THAT VALDEX THE JANITOR HAD DEFEATED THE BANKING SYSEM.
May 1st. Redgaurd History Month
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