for these grandstanding kids! I had some homeless problems several weeks ago as many of you by now surely know, but it's gotten worse. The school got shut down because a homeless man wandered into the school's kitchen and infected everything with VDbHI (Virus Delivered by Homeless Individual/s... look it up) and all the kids got sick and then went home and got their parents sick so now we're under quarantine and the national guard is here shooting anything that moves out there. It's kinda weird like a dream; it's so dark outside even when it's like 12 in the afternoon and you can see shadows running across the grounds and as they dart around sometimes they will stop and in unison look at you and for a moment you can see their horrible memories and thoughts, and part of you just wants to break the window and jump out of it and run wild with these shadows and let the shadows inside the premises so they could feast upon the old people but then I remember that the old people here are my only barganing chip for when the national guard comes (SHOOT ME AND YOU SHOOT THIS LITTLE OLD LADY is what I will say). Naturally, I will have a ring of old people around me at all times protecting me from errant shots. Don't get me wrong I know the snipers will easily get me if they have the whimsy to do so; the shield ring is simply to give me enough time to get near the national guard snipers and tanks to tell them my story.
We have some younger refugees here; a few of them have small babies and I am thinking about duct taping them to my vulnerable areas (1 on chest, 1 sideways on stomache, 1 on back, 1 on lower back, 4 on the sides, back, and top of my head. Baby number assuming, I will also tape babies to any area of my body I can in order to protect me from frag grenades.) In addition, I will strap the weapons I can find- knives/guns/barbed wire/ etc to these babies. The particularly strong ones I will tape knives in their hands and wire to their feet. This is because because they will probably be slashing at anything, and their feet lack the dexterity required to wield knives, so thats why thats where the barbed wire goes. Of course only I will wield the guns as it is wholly irresponsible to give a baby a gun even in such desperate times. This will allow my potential allies to see that i am a walking, living armory and if they are enemies they will think twice about attacking me. Finally, At this point, they will be forced to make a moral choice like in my favorite video games.
anyway there's some gunshots outside so im gonna go make fun of vietnam man for a while sorry for no pictures will tell the full story when I get back
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