SO AFter the police left my office (this happened after they came after me for crashing in to one of their cars while playing) and took my many pokeom and cell phones that I had taken from children who were here illegally- I said to the police man 'these children are here illegally it is not legal for them to have a phone' and he said that I should be on my knees thanking the parents of these children that they dont press charges and i said back ot him that MY parents didn't teach me much but they taught me better than to illegly come to a better country and take their phones out of the hands of hard working individuals like MYSELF. and the officer said first there are enough phones to go around and that i could get a track phone (?) if i was on hard times and also that these children were not here illegally and in fact every last one of them came from well-to-do families that have lived here for generations and that one of these children was even and indian and if anyone had any reason to complain about foreners it was probably that child.
I said you are lying to the officer and he raised his brow at me and squinted his eyes so i said ok let me show you and i took one of the phones from the table and said to goodle "where do indisnans come from" and goohle said india so i said 'see' to the cop and he said ok look were taking these phones and youre never gonna do this again do you understand.
YES i said barely holding back my anger from these illegal children stealing our phones and our rights YES I UNDERSTAND but he didnt know that i had my fingers crossed like a wolf in the tall grass
so as you can probably guess fellow true americans i was pretty mad about all of this because i had it all. I was living the dream- 147 pokemon across 17 phones and i had more pokeballs than any oneman could ever count (believe me i tried to. such is the life of a rich man) and childrean and their parents would gawk in hjealously when i walked past them. Its the pokeman theyd say, the candy man, the man with 147 pokemon and they would ask if i could spare them a tasty candy sir please sir to level up our creatures like yours? and i said no i dont know how to do that but even if i did i wouldnt give them even one. They asked me for tips and you know as a rugged individual i believe that no one should ever have anything handed to them so i debated on this and then i decided that sometimes the best advice is deception because it teaches good lessons and mistrust of others so i told them sure let me hack your phones sot hat you can capture the best pokeomn like charbsisard with ease and unlimited candy to lure them and even the rare meowto. so i took the one boys phone and then messed around on it and ran away and kids started screaming at me that i stole the phone and the parents screamed too and the angry crowd eventually caught me but i said im sorry i though t i saw a meowto over here to catch for you and its gone now heeres your phone. but I did delete one of his psyducks before they caught me.
anyway thats why the cops came i think and stole my things.
So while this blog is wildly successful it wasnt enough for me because i had grown accustomed to a standard of living far beyond your simple minds, so i needed to make more cash, and needed it quick before the goverment came and stole it all from me again.
It began small, I was the pokeman. And i told people about how uncle S(C)AM came and stole my 147 seven animals and all their food and treats and now i donnt know what to do. and lots of people said that they would have shot up the place without provocation if someone even looked at one of their animals and called me rude names and some said no single person has any business owning 147 animals and i said you have your rights to your guns and i have my rights to 147 animals and it got a lot of traction on the internet and people rallied around my cause. someone started a patron for me and gave me lots of money which i then spent on a cruise in which i lost all of my money on the on board casino and thats where i met Vik.
Vik came from some place around the world i dont know where and he said to me ,"you are one called pokeman?" and i said yes. "american with stolen animals?" yes that is me drowning my sorrows what have they done to my animals Vik? And Vik said they are probably dead now but that i could use my anger and hatred to haunt the government like, 'ghost of user' and if i did this he would pay off my many debts.
Anyway we met in dark room s many times and i met a lot of guys just like vik and they talked amongst themsevles and laughed a bunch and i didnt know what to say. so then when the cruise was ending they said that i would hear from them soon and they would help me extract my just revenge.
anyway a few months later i get a phone call from president don trump telling me that im his new NSA secirity advisor and that they would come by tomorrow and that he had the biggest inogyouration ever and that people loved him and they owuld love me and let me tell you- you would not believe what this man had to say. I said wow sir i am so surprised so and how are you?
He sresponded that the polls were rigged and that, "If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put
false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20%," and thats when i realized that the dee[ state must be in cahoots with the media because there is literally no other way to interpret tweeting "Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!" at an irrational despot with nuclear capabilities and miles of heavy artillery ready to rain annihilation upon one of our closest allies at a moment's notice, as anything but reasonable. it is also when i realized that shillary crimetown is trying to undue all democratic processess set forth by the constitution and shes still trying ot steal the presidency from him which is why he and fox news talks about her so much even though she lost over a year ago.
people love him he said hes making america great again for americans like me and i laughed and said, "ya right buddy you sure have your work cut out for you i dont think this country will ever be great again" and he said, "I alone can fix it" ill be honest before the phone call i was pretty grim about the state of things but i believed the man and accepted his offer.
So I wrapped things up in the home and like our president i am very loved there and there were a lot of cheering and clapping hands and even MY BOSS came in to give me well wishes but I sent MY BOSS away because I had just received an ominous email about the russians and it was now my job to read it so I said 'sorry important matters please leave dumdum cant you see im busy with my work? not that youd know what work it but please leave.' and they did.
Anyway the email spooked me because it had a lot of words i didnt understand about a lot of things i didnt know anything about and it talked about election hacking and how the russians were in our power plants and about some murders in some place i dont care about with neruotoxins which reminded me a lot of what i learned in my stelthwerks class if you rememebr me talking to you about that. I responded to the email and said, "looks like kill-her-please clamclown (I meant hillary clinton) did this.' and the person who sent the email said 'no the russians did this'. And I said, 'the russians did this?' and the person responded 'yes the russans did this.' So i got my good new pal don on the line and asked him if the russians did this and were using guarded stelthwerks secrets.
He said, "Look, having stealthwerks—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and
engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very
smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if
you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if
I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest
people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative
Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start
off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little
disadvantaged—but you look at the stealthwerks deal, the thing that really
bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as
these lives are (stealthwerks is powerful; my uncle explained that to me
many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would
explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would
have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four
prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three
and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and
it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that
the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna
take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great
negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just
killed, they just killed us."
And so I said, 'Don the persians are doing this too? I thought it was just the russians" and heasked what I meant and I said the russians are messing everything up for us WELL EXCUST MY LANGUAGE FOLKS BUT DANG I'M FIRED NOW I SAW IT ON THE TWEET
Graveyard de los soles
Feral wolfs meat incidents
Saturday, March 17
Friday, January 20
POKEMON GO … Is this the new ninento 10/10 SCORE. Theres even a pretty spooky (delete) . A reviewers tips on how to drive a car while playing Pokomogo., how to score wild pokes, abducting the children’s pokem … And How to be ghoulish

First Tip: Steal that child's phone
How to take pokemon from the children:

Hide from the chilren once you are free. Hide your whole body out of complete sight, they are faster then you will ever believe. And they will find you and they will hunt you. Once you are hidden just begin mining for data - can take up to 14(fourten) minutes) for the datamining
THIS JUST IN .. rosie o donnold is today our newest
president. It is an extra special day because Rosie is going to play pokego for
the frist time. Thanks Rosie for supporting the woman vote. We know you didnt
harm those barn animals. Perhaps the ignorant media will one day to write about
how America will be maked great again I expect the working man will have coal
in their homes by this Tuesday, and it wont be illegalized anymore by obaman
. he says jobs for global warming? Not on Rosie’s watch. we can be good again
like in the old days of the past, like when we learned how to make nuclear
fusion, or even as far back as the first world of war (ww1) and the
resolutionary wars. is it true we could once meld our minds with pet animals? (What
about going back to that day? –(delete personel Question)

TIPe 7:
Lots of pokle are available en masse once you access the
phones from the elderly. Take them straight away from their hands if you must.
and be prepared for the precious stores of data will be yours for the taking.
-Please give all of your pokes, your phones, your passcodes
to mr. hobbs on floor two. If you are luckyhe will place a rare Catterswipes in
you, ifinites poke dust, and charcharman candy
![]() |
a wild Mactartle appears |
Yollums is making a call to custonmer service in Japan.
demanding to know why his identity was taken. AGAIN. He will not know it was
I don’t mean to bost but this only took 3 minutes ;)
![]() |
darn |
Last Rule: What to do if the police come to talk to you
about crimes. This is by far the most important rule. This how it can be done:
Listen to this: I was keeping the Nameless occupied with the sound of white
whales playing on the loudspear. when a police lady came into my office ..
Hello may I help you? I calmly asked in a tone to welcoming a conversation. Sir
there are reports of a man stealing phones from children at the soccor field.
They say he wears a dark coat and hides behind the trees and waits there. Well
that wasn’t me, surly you can see how busy I am ranking in my tax breaks -
Perhaps your biggest mistake was voting . and she said excuse me and I said,
that Hillary is out to grab the money out of your very pokets. O Donld is one
step away from sending her to gwanabobo bay I heard she stole our information and
seadrones and wikileaked them to Ras x Raibby. Ive written requests as to the
inquire of this womans birth certificate and other legal docs. Well said the
police lady . sir these young kids are not able to afford free health care
anymore. And I asked was she referring to the black kids or to the white kids .
And she said what does that have to do with anything and I said well quite a
lot in fact. When the walls go up you’ll understand. As a matter of fact these
kids arent not black nor are they white said the woman police. What the heck do
you mean was my question, black or white that is the basis of human beings
duality. And she said they are Mexicos children with very little money and I
said what and she said haven’t you ever heared about about Mexicos? And then I
learned the terrible truth …
Apparntely there are odd human types with bronze skin from
the land of Mexicos,. Youll have to go
and do some reasearch on your own here
folks I don’t know much about this land but to be sure it is a place filled
with wild dogs, snakes, and no food at all whatsoever, and I imagine some kind
of badland type landmass .. (educated guess)
Sad today today friends. Wheels died again :( 3rd
or fourth time I think. Funeral is going to last for a brief 15 hour ceremony.
It is not alright to catch any pokepals during the funeral rites or to fling
your balls at the coffin or at the body (who would think of that) or anywhere
around the ENTIRE GRAVE. Rembber what happened last time. Wheels’ corpse
is a pokestop now so I will store her sweet little body in the shed like, it’ll
be a secret. And infinite pokoop balls for all … as for the wheelchair well …
its twice as fast as walking and those pokes wont catch themselves. You can’t
steal from the dead said pappy. Im using a dead wommans chair that’s all and
not a jury on earth could convict me; I saw every episode of criminal judge,
and believe me if the police come here again there is going to be a fight.
pokemon go is for kids and grown ups too. a fun and happgme a 10 rating game.
Have fun ok
Tip 4:
Download ROM
pokeroms.com.com (a virus)error
Saturday, December 12
Dear IRS, how dare you send these men here. Were you not
aware that star wars is monts away or have you not heard of the george lucas
film, and the jedi knights, the masters of our solar system, various spooky
beasts, dark vadar, chewie, aliens, and
luke silo
As acting staff accountant and caretaker of these sick and
elderly folks and rep-payee for all I demand to know in writing why last week three state auditores came uninvited
upon these premises during my star wars party here is a list of my demands.
here is a list of their crimes1they were extremely rude to me #2 audids demand
I relinsquish all financial files #3 copies taken from my office by audids includeing27
cashed cheques and cheque bounces, forged cheques(only had 2), chequre printouts
and expense reports, bank reaports, etc
#4 questioned like a witch burned in a fiery
trial … sir why have you shredded over half of your staff’s W-2 forms and why
have you given the rest to the elderly residents to hold? Why are they
entrusted with staff pay records and social security numbers? Are you employing
these residents sir? I have documented these threats and others and shall be
notifying the humans rights
#5) lastly they demand -- and I literally do not
know what this means: taxes. Yes, taxas. I am a licended medical profesional
and have never heard the term ‘tax’ in my life, does it mean terminate wax or
what, we have plenty of termites if you would like to see them. They did not
want to see the termites. in fact they left after I asked them to and they have
no returned since. i think they went across the screet to audit the children
with their lemonade stand (tastes like dishwasher liquid) though it Is a crim
to audit children, or wernt you aware?
most agrevious of all , and by all means see for yourself the
attached copy of the cheque in question -- major concerns over one cheque
signed by me totaling $475.00 US Dollars Payable to the EBAY account of one
T.CHICKENJONES@YAHOO.COMFor an opening day theater ticket to StarWar Episod
VII, The Phantam Pain, appropriated from our federal grant funding and the
state work incentive program funds, as well as an additional $250 cleared check
for “Edible Bread Money Start Up Fund” …
This is#1 delving into my personal life and affairs and #2 I
am a victim of identify theft #3 I CAN, AND HAVE, PRINTED OUT MY OWN DOLLARS FROM
Signed ~ Nostrand,
Staff Accountant and Home Overlord, Caretaker of the sick
and elderly, chamion of the nameless, The Unburnt, appointed Nostrandre Solaire,
p.s. here is the party you have ruined:
Proof of star war party attachments (1) through (36):
proof of fun party and happy pupp
star food
and cospayers doing a good job
Bambo warriors – little tricky pandas or maybe
not? Bears wielding bambo weapons
they eat the bambi too and live on the forest moons of andoor
(sp) (not sure if earths moon or one of the outer galaxies) fun
Quiz: wjhat kind of bamboo pet would be your favorite? (I
would want dog type)
kinds of space food are featured here
space rocks are okay to eat if tested
Lots of space battles on plutis, mars, saturn, all your
favorite planets
muppets you just cant get enough of them
The Chuba Lord – very scary slug beast. Eats all
day. also the fattest villein
Light swords. A jedi knight’s best weapon. luke silo slashed
a yeti with one and I was so impressed. weakness to power arrows.
Look at the new light sword lol it is really great
Star war episode V Quiz:
-what does the V stand for? hard to say
-who are dark vadar’s father?
-Name 3 different kinds of muppet pals
!!!! More leaked tubnails of episode V !!!!
Great party. Look at these old friends having fun, wow who would audit
such a great and ufn time
Dark vadar plushies are not fine no dark vadar
can’t be soft; he is the darkest lord
Leonard Hobbs released on bond welcome back!! Excellent
yodi is not a leprechaun. I get really mad when
people say he is one.
I do not know who this man is. or who allowed
him to the party. he is not allowed here anymore. notify secvurity if seen
burps did a terrible job. Try again
We must all help cover the cost of these expensive backdrops they do not pay for themselves. As well as the graphic designer who charged an outrageous rate
wow really good --- look at those starwars
lightssworss contraption. really great star work
Grisbee how you have grown, my friend..keep it up Jedi Master
can't remember
This is Mimi, owner of Mimi's cafe across the street. I have such a huge crush on this beautiful, woman. The girl not the muppet*
Babby Fett Burps– babby fett helmet still missing :( You
better find it Burps it will cost you a weeks pay
Wheels #1 winner again! Wheels dressed up as the death star
– absolute #1 best
see you in court
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