First Tip: Steal that child's phone
How to take pokemon from the children:

Hide from the chilren once you are free. Hide your whole body out of complete sight, they are faster then you will ever believe. And they will find you and they will hunt you. Once you are hidden just begin mining for data - can take up to 14(fourten) minutes) for the datamining
THIS JUST IN .. rosie o donnold is today our newest
president. It is an extra special day because Rosie is going to play pokego for
the frist time. Thanks Rosie for supporting the woman vote. We know you didnt
harm those barn animals. Perhaps the ignorant media will one day to write about
how America will be maked great again I expect the working man will have coal
in their homes by this Tuesday, and it wont be illegalized anymore by obaman
. he says jobs for global warming? Not on Rosie’s watch. we can be good again
like in the old days of the past, like when we learned how to make nuclear
fusion, or even as far back as the first world of war (ww1) and the
resolutionary wars. is it true we could once meld our minds with pet animals? (What
about going back to that day? –(delete personel Question)

TIPe 7:
Lots of pokle are available en masse once you access the
phones from the elderly. Take them straight away from their hands if you must.
and be prepared for the precious stores of data will be yours for the taking.
-Please give all of your pokes, your phones, your passcodes
to mr. hobbs on floor two. If you are luckyhe will place a rare Catterswipes in
you, ifinites poke dust, and charcharman candy
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a wild Mactartle appears |
Yollums is making a call to custonmer service in Japan.
demanding to know why his identity was taken. AGAIN. He will not know it was
I don’t mean to bost but this only took 3 minutes ;)
![]() |
darn |
Last Rule: What to do if the police come to talk to you
about crimes. This is by far the most important rule. This how it can be done:
Listen to this: I was keeping the Nameless occupied with the sound of white
whales playing on the loudspear. when a police lady came into my office ..
Hello may I help you? I calmly asked in a tone to welcoming a conversation. Sir
there are reports of a man stealing phones from children at the soccor field.
They say he wears a dark coat and hides behind the trees and waits there. Well
that wasn’t me, surly you can see how busy I am ranking in my tax breaks -
Perhaps your biggest mistake was voting . and she said excuse me and I said,
that Hillary is out to grab the money out of your very pokets. O Donld is one
step away from sending her to gwanabobo bay I heard she stole our information and
seadrones and wikileaked them to Ras x Raibby. Ive written requests as to the
inquire of this womans birth certificate and other legal docs. Well said the
police lady . sir these young kids are not able to afford free health care
anymore. And I asked was she referring to the black kids or to the white kids .
And she said what does that have to do with anything and I said well quite a
lot in fact. When the walls go up you’ll understand. As a matter of fact these
kids arent not black nor are they white said the woman police. What the heck do
you mean was my question, black or white that is the basis of human beings
duality. And she said they are Mexicos children with very little money and I
said what and she said haven’t you ever heared about about Mexicos? And then I
learned the terrible truth …
Apparntely there are odd human types with bronze skin from
the land of Mexicos,. Youll have to go
and do some reasearch on your own here
folks I don’t know much about this land but to be sure it is a place filled
with wild dogs, snakes, and no food at all whatsoever, and I imagine some kind
of badland type landmass .. (educated guess)
Sad today today friends. Wheels died again :( 3rd
or fourth time I think. Funeral is going to last for a brief 15 hour ceremony.
It is not alright to catch any pokepals during the funeral rites or to fling
your balls at the coffin or at the body (who would think of that) or anywhere
around the ENTIRE GRAVE. Rembber what happened last time. Wheels’ corpse
is a pokestop now so I will store her sweet little body in the shed like, it’ll
be a secret. And infinite pokoop balls for all … as for the wheelchair well …
its twice as fast as walking and those pokes wont catch themselves. You can’t
steal from the dead said pappy. Im using a dead wommans chair that’s all and
not a jury on earth could convict me; I saw every episode of criminal judge,
and believe me if the police come here again there is going to be a fight.
pokemon go is for kids and grown ups too. a fun and happgme a 10 rating game.
Have fun ok
Tip 4:
Download ROM
pokeroms.com.com (a virus)error