Feral wolfs meat incidents

Thursday, July 19

An Old War

Initiated by me in accordance with State Law am initiated Breast Cancer Awareness Month – all residents are been forced to comply with harsh penalities imposed for the unaware designated cancer drones patrol the halls with clandestine harbinger data systems. For Your Information We have had an overall 95%success rate of raising knowledge of the breast cancer bacteria and we have been raising money to cure cancer but the money could be used for other things if we feel like it. Mostly the money goes toward funding the cancer drones. Also to be honest some of it has already been used to buy cigarettes sorry

These old folks are still adjusting to the very, very difficult and often confusing standards and practices for 

1. Every resident must dye his or her clothing pink and these are to be worn on their persons at all times. This signifies awarens of breast cancer and shoes, watches, hats, jewelry, undergarments, scarfs, wheelchairs, walkers, colostomy bags, oxygen tubes, oxygen masks, Halloween masks, facewear, any masks, diapers. , are all must be pink. We have big signs that are the size of a human boy and Step 2We have many cancerTips attendants available at the Home you may speak with one just find your nearest cancerTips agent and they will remind you about breast cancer and give you lots of knowledge, you can raise your awareness with cancerTits (did you know that pink is the color of a persons blood inflected with the B-Virus? :_D

2. Each resident is expected to participate in The Cancer Games like in that movie the Hunger game. Each day we stand in the blistering sun for hours to show Satan we reject his works with our highly resistant Bioskin (our skin covered in holy water) and we scream at our luminesiant god to heal us of our breats that are raging hard with cancor lumps

3. Find that Wolfen aka the Horror from the Old War which is that creature still lurking in the duct work, everyone check ur ducts for Wolfen

4. The goal is to be 100% aware of beast cancer 100% of the time, if you forget even once YOUR GONNA GET NAILED!!!

5. So far here were the only problems:

Wheels: was observed shouting at cancerTips attendant for stealing her “roller-snake”?? –See u in court Wheels

Wolfen:  this is that old man who was bitten by one of those pesky wolfs and he never wears any clothes so instead we decided to dye his fur pink and when we cornered and doused him in the pink paint he unleashed his inhuman screams scaring the residents and the pink beast crawled into the duckts, he carriers his cane in his mouth –Awaiting Capture

Grapefruit: “Don’t care about tit cancer” –Awaiting Trial

Yams: still missing from the residents evils days, assumed to be 100% UNAWARE OF BEAST CANCER, if found strict penalties to be inacted\

DesMerce: RIP
RIP DesMerce  
"Show us the meaning of hast"

No, the cancer drones do not understand human speech do not try to talk with them on your hands and knees pleading to the Sun God because the drones don’t care, they are in fact quite incapable of rational thought. If a drone gets stuck in your room please do not yell at it or hit it with your cane this will be seen as an act of aggression and the drone will scan each family photo in your room and add them to its internal membank and will get vapzed if they set foot on the premises, so also please hide all your photos to avoid getting vapzed. Instead ring your buzzer and the nearest drone associate will be buy to disassemble your drone and the reassembling process will begin over the course of several weeks. At any time if your drone wakens in its semi-unaugmented state, spins into a feral rage, overheats, vanishes, plays music, or simply explodes splashing its highly radioactive radjuice all over the place, use the emp grenade given to you DO NOT WASTE THE GRENEADE YOU HAVE ONE SHOT AND THEY ARE $300+ A PIECE AND WE SPENT A LOT OF MONEY ON THEM. USE THEM WISELY. DO NOT THROW THEM OUT OF YOUR WINDOW AT THE LITTLE CHILDREN WALKING THEIR PETS LIKE THAT TIME WITH THE MOUSETRAPS....

Remember that you do not have to donate any money to cancer research or actually even do anything at all really just important to think about beast cancer 100% of the time and feel really bad and its also about gaining Beast Points. The Beast Points System is a fun and interactive thing and will help you avoid an early grave if you get enough Beastpoints by letting staff know youre aware about beast cancer but its far easier to lose points than to gain them. If u kill the wolfen automatic 50 points credited. If you bring The Wolfen alive for testing you get 100 points, and so forth. If you maim the Wolfen that’s OK, just so as it is able to regain consciousness for the testing process, we will probably deduct a few points though. So as you can see the points are pretty crucial!!!!!